Who died and made Rosie O'Donnell the judge of todays society!?
Apparently Rosie O'Donnell thought it would be cute to rag on American Idol yesterday on The View. Rosie apparently said that its sad that America takes Simons comments and making fun of people as entertainment.
UH HELLOOOOO!? Who just came off of a 3 week publicity stunt making fun of Donald Trump? Rosie is a comedian for God's sake!.. She thrives off of making lewd comments about celebrities and politicians.
Here is a quote from the show:“Isn’t that what America thinks is entertainment?” O’Donnell asked. “To make fun of someone’s physical appearance and then when they leave the room laugh hysterically at them – three millionaires, one probably intoxicated …”
My response is Rosie get a damn grip! The people who go on Americna idol know exactly what they are in for. Speaking of the quote unquote 'Bush Baby" as Simon put it he could not sing to save his life. Yes, we would all like to think the world is nice and fuzzy and looks dont matter but welcome to the real world. How dare you go on a show about finding the next "Big Superstar" and not be able to sing a note in tune?
That's my rant for the week!